
Kiperman is a text typeface designed in honor of Henrique Leão Kiperman, founder of the publishing house Artmed, now Grupo A.

The inspiration for the design came from the personality of the honoree. Just as Henrique always wanted to stay away from spotlights, the Kiperman typeface was designed so that it would not call attention to itself or impose any obstacles in the understanding of the text. In this way, the fonts revere Henrique’s legacy by respecting and honoring the published content.

Its forms are simple and straightforward, with no unnecessary embellishments that could disturb the reading. The fonts are slightly narrower than normal, which yields higher efficiency without compromising reading comfort. Besides that, its italics are not just a slanted version of the romans, but rather a separate drawing. With a slope of 8°, its calligraphic structure provides the right amount of emphasis when necessary.

The Kiperman type family has been commissioned by Grupo A and is available for licensing from Harbor Type. This was the way found for the fonts to be read by more people, spreading some of his spirit around the world.

Available in four styles.