Foundries A–Z, by region, or by distributor.



# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 205TF 205.​tf Lyon, France 2017
2 29Letters 29lt.​com Madrid, Spain
3 3type 3type.​cn Shanghai, China


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 A is for aisforfonts.​com France
2 A+ a-plus-type.​com Berkeley, California, United States
3 A2-Type a2-type.​co.​uk London, United Kingdom
4 Aadarsh Rajan Mumbai & Pune, India
5 Aayalolo aayalolo.​com Accra, Ghana
6 Abstract Office abstractoffice.​xyz Los Angeles, California, United States
7 Abyme abyme.​net London, United Kingdom
8 Acute Studio acutestudio.​nl Amsterdam, Netherlands
9 Adam Ladd Design ladd-design.​com Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
10 Adotbelow adotbelow.​com Caminha, Portugal
11 Aesthetic Type aesthetictype.​com Cardiff, California, United States 2014
12 Afrotype afrotype.​com Lagos, Nigeria
13 Aieou Tools aeiou.​tools Passenans, France
14 AinsiFont ainsifont.​com Lille, France
15 Alanna Munro Type Foundry alannamunro.​com Vancouver, Canada
16 Alex Slobzheninov Prague, Czechia
17 Alexandre Créquer alex-creq.​com Rennes, France
18 Alexis Boscariol Paris, France
19 Alice Savoie frenchtype.​com Lyon, France
20 AllCaps allcapstype.​com Prague, Czechia; Berlin, Germany 2018
21 Almarena almarenafoundry.​com Lyon, France
22 alt-tf.​com London, United Kingdom
23 Altiplano altiplano.​xyz Lausanne, Switzerland
24 Ampersand Type Foundry ampersandtype.​com
25 And Repeat andrepeat.​com Bay Area, California, United States 2015
26 Anna Khorash The Hague, Netherlands
27 ANRT anrt-nancy.​fr Nancy, France
28 Apex Type Foundry apextypefoundry.​com Paris, France
29 APK Type apk-type.​com ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands 2024
30 Approximate Type approxtype.​com Copenhagen, Denmark
31 ArabicType arabictype.​com London, United Kingdom
32 Archivio Tipografico archiviotipografico.​it Torino, Italy
33 Arillatype.Studio arillatype.​studio Málaga, Spain
34 ArrowType arrowtype.​com New York, United States
35 Art Grootfontein grootfontein.​net Paris, France
36 Artem Rulev
37 Astype Fonts astype.​de Berlin, Germany 2003
38 Atelier Triay mathieutriay.​com London, United Kingdom
39 ATF Collection atftype.​com Berkeley, California, United States
40 Atipo atipofoundry.​com Gijón, Spain
41 Atlas atlasfonts.​com Berlin, Germany
42 Atypical atypical.​gr Thessaloniki, Greece
43 Avondale Type Co. avondaletypeco.​com Chicago, Illinois, United States


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 b•v-h type bvhtype.​com Paris, France
2 Badson Type Foundry badsontype.​com Denver, Colorado, United States 2024
3 Balibilly balibillydesign.​com Canggu, Bali
4 Barnbrook Fonts barnbrook.​net London, United Kingdom
5 Bastarda Type bastardatype.​com Bogotá, Colombia
6 Bauer Types bauertypes.​com Barcelona, Spain
7 bb-bureau bb-bureau.​fr Nantes, France
8 bBox Type bboxtype.​com
9 Bea Korsh beakorsh.​com Brooklyn, New York, United States
10 Beasts of England beastsofengland.​co Chicago, Illinois, United States
11 Benn Zorn bennzorn.​com Berlin, Germany
12 Big Fog bigfog.​co Bloomery, West Virginia, United States 2021
13 Big Type bigtype.​co
14 Bijou Type bijoutype.​com Portland, Oregon, United States
15 Binnenland binnenland.​ch Bern, Switzerland
16 Black Foundry black-foundry.​com Paris, France 2014
17 Blackletra blackletra.​com São Paulo, Brazil
18 Blancoletters blancoletters.​com Zumaia, Spain
19 Blast Foundry blast-foundry.​com Netherlands
20 Blaze Type blazetype.​eu Lyon, France
21 Bloom Type Foundry bloomtype.​com Stockholm, Sweden 2021
22 Boharat boharat.​com Dubai, United Arab Emirates
23 Bold Decisions bold-decisions.​biz Amsterdam, Netherlands 2015
24 Bold Monday boldmonday.​com Eindhoven, Netherlands; The Hague, Netherlands
25 Bonez Designz bonezdesignz.​com United Kingdom
26 Boomtype boomtype.​xyz
27 Boulevard LAB boulevardlab.​com
28 Branding with Type brandingwithtype.​com Zaragoza, Spain; London, United Kingdom
29 Brandon Nickerson Studio bnicks.​com New York, United States
30 BrassFonts brass-fonts.​de Brauweiler, Germany
31 Bretagne type foundry fonderiebretagne.​fr France 2016
32 Briefcase Type Foundry briefcasetype.​com Prague, Czechia
33 British Standard Type britishstandardtype.​xyz London, United Kingdom
34 Brody Fonts brodyfonts.​typenetwork.​com London, United Kingdom
35 Brownfox brownfox.​org Berlin, Germany
36 Bureau Brut bureaubrut.​com Toulouse, France


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 C-Type carmen-type.​com Barcelona, Spain
2 CabargaType cabargatype.​com Ojai, California, United States
3 CakeType caketype.​com Netherlands
4 Calderón estudiocalderon.​com Cali, Colombia
5 Calvin Kwok
6 Camelot Typefaces camelot-typefaces.​com Leipzig, Germany
7 Canada Type canadatype.​com Toronto, Canada 2004
8 Cantrell Type cantrelltype.​com Mantua, Utah, United States 2023
9 Capitalics WTF capitalics.​wtf Warsaw, Poland
10 Carter & Cone carterandcone.​com Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
11 Cast Type Foundry c-a-s-t.​com Bolzano, Italy
12 Caterina Santullo instagram.​com The Hague, Netherlands
13 Céline Hurka Type Foundry celine-hurka.​com The Hague, Netherlands
14 Central Type centraltype.​com Chicago, Illinois, United States
15 Character Type charactertype.​com Hamburg, Germany
16 Chill Type chilltype.​com Austria 2024
17 Cinetype cinetype.​com London, United Kingdom
18 Cinketype cinketype.​com Budapest, Hungary
19 CJ Type cjtype.​com New York, United States
20 Clothilde Bouan
21 Collletttivo collletttivo.​it Milano, Italy
22 Comma Type commatype.​com Berlin, Germany 2024
23 Commercial Type commercialtype.​com New York, United States; London, United Kingdom
24 Compañía Tipográfica de Chile Chillán, Chile; Argentina 2018
25 Connary Fagen connary.​com Utah, United States
26 Contextype contextype.​com Amsterdam, Netherlands
27 Contrast Foundry contrastfoundry.​com Sunnyvale, California, United States; Moscow, Russia 2018
28 Coppers and Brasses coppersandbrasses.​com Montreal, Canada
29 CoType cotypefoundry.​com London, United Kingdom
30 Counter Forms counter-forms.​com Australia
31 CSTM Fonts cstmfonts.​com Riga, Latvia


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Dalton Maag daltonmaag.​com London, United Kingdom
2 Darden Studio dardenstudio.​com New York, United States
3 Daria Cohen Berlin, Germany
4 Dave Coleman
5 David Einwaller deinwaller.​com
6 David Jonathan Ross djr.​com Conway, Massachusetts, United States
7 Daytona Mess daytonamess.​com The Hague, Netherlands
8 DDOTT ddott.​net Barcelona, Spain
9 Death of Typography deathoftypography.​com Singapore
10 Debi Sementelli debisementelli.​com Dallas, Texas, United States
11 Degarism degarism.​com Bandung, Indonesia
12 Delve Fonts delvefonts.​com Alameda, California, United States
13 Detail Type Foundry detail.​tf Yokohama, Japan
14 Device Fonts devicefonts.​co.​uk London, United Kingdom
15 Dinamo abcdinamo.​com Berlin, Germany
16 Displaay Type Foundry displaay.​net Prague, Czechia 2014
17 DizajnDesign dizajndesign.​sk Olomuc, Czechia
18 Domicile Foundry domicilefoundry.​com Helsinki, Finland
19 Double Dagger doubledagger.​xyz United States 2022
20 Double Zero dblzr.​com France
21 DSType dstype.​com Caminha, Portugal
22 DualType dualtype.​design Guadalajara, Mexico
23 Due Studio due-studio.​com Corciano, Italy
24 Dunwich Type Founders dunwichtype.​com Boulder, Colorado, United States
25 Dương Trần Vietnam
26 Dutch Type Library dutchtypelibrary.​nl Netherlands


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 East of Rome eastofrome.​com Tallinn, Estonia
2 ECAL Typefaces ecal-typefaces.​ch Lausanne, Switzerland
3 edition.​studio New York, United States
4 Ek Type ektype.​in Mumbai, India
5 Elefonts elenaschneider.​com Húsavík, Iceland
6 Element Type elementtype.​co Istanbul, Turkey 2024
7 Eliott Grunewald eliottgrunewald.​xyz
8 Ellen Luff Type Foundry ellenlufftype.​com United Kingdom
9 Emigre emigre.​com Berkeley, California, United States
10 Emtype Foundry emtype.​net Barcelona, Spain
11 En Travaux entravaux.​framer.​website Bordeaux, France
12 Erica Carras
13 Erkin Karamemet erkinkaramemet.​com Berlin, Germany; Cologne, Germany
14 Ethan Cohen Berlin, Germany
15 exljbris Font Foundry exljbris.​com Neede, Netherlands
16 Extraset extraset.​ch Geneva, Switzerland
17 Extratype extratype.​com Barcelona, Spain 1995


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Électro-bibliothèque electrobibliotheque.​org Paris, France


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 F37 Foundry f37foundry.​com Manchester, United Kingdom
2 Fabio Haag fabiohaagtype.​com Porto Alegre, Brazil
3 Fable fable.​design Singapore
4 Fabrizio Schiavi Design fsd.​it Castell’Arquato, Italy
5 FaceType facetype.​org Vienna, Austria
6 FaireType fairetype.​com New York, United States
7 Familjen Type familjentype.​se Stockholm, Sweden
8 Family Type familytype.​co Sydney, Australia
9 Famira Fonts famirafonts.​typenetwork.​com New York, United States
10 Fandofonts fandofonts.​com Madrid, Spain
11 Fantasia Type fantasia-type.​com Milano, Italy; Laces, Italy
12 Fatype fatype.​com Berlin, Germany; Switzerland 2012
13 FDI Type Foundry fdi-type.​de Weimar, Germany
14 Feedtype feedtype.​ca Montreal, Canada
15 Feliciano Type felicianotype.​com Lisbon, Portugal
16 Fer Cozzi fercozzi.​com Buenos Aires, Argentina
17 Fincker Font Cuisine fontcuisine.​com Ditzingen, Germany 2024
18 Firm firm.​gs Milano, Italy
19 Flavia Zimbardi flaviazim.​com Berlin, Germany
20 Floodfonts Type Foundry floodfonts.​com Cologne, Germany
21 Florian Karsten fonts.​floriankarsten.​com Medlovice, Czechia
22 Fond de riz fonderiz.​fr
23 Font Spectrum fontspectrum.​com Amsterdam, Netherlands
24 Fontfabric fontfabric.​com Sofia, Bulgaria
25 Fonts from Folch fontsfromfolch.​com Madrid, Spain; Barcelona, Spain
26 Fontwerk fontwerk.​com Berlin, Germany
27 Forgotten Shapes forgotten-shapes.​com Leipzig, Germany
28 Formagari formagari.​com Marseille, France
29 Format.otf format-otf.​de Halle, Germany
30 Formerly Known formerly-known.​com Los Angeles, California, United States
31 Formula Type formulatype.​com Udine, Italy
32 Fort Foundry fortfoundry.​com Athens, Georgia, United States
33 Foster Type fostertype.​com Sydney, Australia
34 Foundry5 foundryfivetype.​com Cambridge, United Kingdom
35 Francis Chouquet francischouquet.​com Basel, Switzerland
36 Frank Adebiaye & Studio Triple
37 Franziska Weitgruber franziskaweitgruber.​com South Tyrol, Italy
38 FredsFonts fredsfonts.​com London, United Kingdom
39 Freight Collection freightcollection.​com United States
40 Frere–Jones Type frerejones.​com New York, United States
41 Frost frostype.​xyz London, United Kingdom
42 Fuerte Type fuertetype.​com Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 G-Type g-type.​com United Kingdom
2 GarageFonts garagefonts.​com Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States 1993
3 General Type Studio generaltypestudio.​com New York, United States
4 Giulia Boggio giuliaboggio.​xyz London, United Kingdom
5 Good Type Foundry goodtypefoundry.​com Sandnes, Norway
6 Gor Jihanian
7 Gradient wearegradient.​net Bergen, Norway
8 Grifi
9 Grilli Type grillitype.​com Lucerne, Switzerland
10 Groteskly Yours, Studio groteskly.​xyz Belgrade, Serbia
11 Gruppo Due gruppo-due.​com Berlin, Germany; Karlsruhe, Germany; Bern, Switzerland; London, United Kingdom


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 HAL Typefaces type.​hanli.​eu Berlin, Germany
2 Hamilton Wood Type Collection p22.​com United States
3 Hanken Design Co. hanken.​co Batangas City, Philippines
4 Harbor Type harbortype.​com Porto Alegre, Brazil
5 Hassen Khattak
6 Heavyweight heavyweight-type.​com Prague, Czechia
7 Heheh Type hehehtype.​com Cairo, Egypt 2020
8 Herzberg Design Co. herzbergdesign.​com New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
9 HEX Projects hex.​xyz New York, United States
10 HLC Type hugolecorre.​fr Paris, France
11 Hoodzpah hoodzpahdesign.​com Anaheim, California, United States
12 Hot Type hottype.​co Zagreb, Croatia
13 House Industries housefonts.​com Yorklyn, Delaware, United States
14 Hubert Jocham Type hubertjocham.​de Lautrach, Germany
15 Huerta Tipográfica huertatipografica.​com Argentina 2009
16 Hungarumlaut hungarumlaut.​com Graz, Austria
17 Hurme Design hurmedesign.​com Helsinki, Finland
18 Huy! Fonts juanjez.​com Madrid, Spain
19 HvD Fonts hvdfonts.​com Berlin, Germany
20 Hypertype hypertype.​xyz Berlin, Germany


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Identity Letters identity-letters.​com Germany
2 indestructible type* indestructibletype.​com
3 Indian Type Foundry indiantypefoundry.​com Ahmedabad, India
4 Inga Plönnigs ingaploennigs.​com Berlin, Germany
5 IngoFonts ingofonts.​de Augsburg, Germany 1994
6 Inhouse Type inhousetype.​com Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
7 Interrobang Type interrobangtype.​co Texas, United States
8 Interval Type intervaltype.​com Paris, France
9 Into the Type intothetype.​com Nice, France
10 Ivy Foundry ivyfoundry.​com Århus, Denmark 2016


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 J Foundry jfoundry.​com Toronto, Canada
2 Jad Maza Iloilo, Philippines
3 Jake Fleming
4 Jakob Fangmeier
5 James Plattner jamesplattner.​com Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
6 Jamie Clarke Type jamieclarketype.​com United Kingdom
7 Jan Fromm janfromm.​de Berlin, Germany
8 Jan Šindler
9 Jen Wagner Co. jenwagner.​co Nashville, Tennessee, United States
10 Jeremy Tankard Typography typography.​net Cambridge, United Kingdom
11 Jonas Type jonastype.​com Berlin, Germany
12 Jorge Morales Salas
13 José Solé jmsole.​cl London, United Kingdom
14 JTD Type Foundry jtdtype.​com Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
15 July Type julytype.​com The Hague, Netherlands
16 Jung-Lee Type Foundry j-ltf.​com Amsterdam, Netherlands 2015
17 Just Another Foundry justanotherfoundry.​com Garching, Germany


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Kanon Foundry kanonfoundry.​com Malmö, Sweden
2 Katja Schimmel
3 Kel Troughton
4 Kent Lew Massachusetts, United States
5 Kerns & Cairns kernsandcairns.​com Boston, Massachussets, United States
6 Keya Vadgama
7 Kilotype kilotype.​de Harxheim, Germany
8 Kimera kimeracorp.​eu Munich, Germany
9 Kimmy Design kimmydesign.​com United States
10 Klim Type Foundry klim.​co.​nz Wellington, New Zealand
11 Kobu Foundry kobufoundry.​com Faro, Portugal
12 Kometa kometa.​xyz Brno, Czechia
13 Kontour kontour.​com United States 2000
14 Kostas Bartsokas
15 Kostić Type Foundry beta.​kostictype.​com Belgrade, Serbia
16 Kyiv Type Foundry kyivtypefoundry.​com Kyiv, Ukraine; Bar, Montenegro; Hanover, Germany; Barcelona, Spain 2021


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 La Bolde Vita laboldevita.​com Leipzig, Germany
2 Labor and Wait laborandwait.​xyz Hudson River Valley, New York, United States
3 Lanston Type Company p22.​com United States
4 Laura Worthington lauraworthingtondesign.​com Bonney Lake, Washington, United States
5 Laurent Müller
6 Lazydogs Typefoundry lazydogs.​de Munich, Germany
7 Le Laïc laic.​pl Warsaw, Poland
8 League of Movable Type theleagueofmoveabletype.​com
9 Lechuga Type fonts.​antoniolechuga.​com Quéretaro, Mexico
10 Leinster Type leinstertype.​com Brisbane, Australia; Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
11 Letterjuice letterjuice.​cat Barcelona, Spain; Buenos Aires, Argentina
12 Lettermatic lettermatic.​com Kaysville, Utah, United States
13 Lettermin lettermin.​com Ljubljana, Slovenia
14 LettError letterror.​com The Hague, Netherlands
15 Letters from Sweden lettersfromsweden.​se Sweden
16 Lettersoup lettersoup.​de Berlin, Germany 2014
17 LiebeFonts liebefonts.​com Berlin, Germany
18 Lift Type lift-type.​fr Montpellier, France 2014
19 Lineto lineto.​com Zurich, Switzerland
20 Lipi lipi.​xyz London, United Kingdom; Baroda, India
21 Lipton Letter Design liptonletterdesign.​com Providence, Rhode Island, United States
22 lo-ol Type Foundry lo-ol.​design Geneva, Switzerland
23 London Type Foundry londontype.​co.​uk United Kingdom
24 Love Letters Brussels, Belgium
25 LucasFonts lucasfonts.​com Berlin, Germany
26 LudwigType ludwigtype.​de Aichach, Germany
27 Luis Bandovas satori.​pt Leça da Palmeira, Portugal
28 Lux Typo luxtypo.​com Los Angeles, United States
29 Luzi Type luzi-type.​ch Bern, Switzerland


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 MA-MA Type ma-ma-type.​com Paris, France 2021
2 MAC Rhino Fonts macrhino.​com Stockholm, Sweden
3 maketypenotwar! maketypenotwar.​com Berlin, Germany
4 Malou Verlomme malouverlomme.​com France
5 Manic Type manictype.​com Toronto, Canada
6 Manufacturas Tipográficas Madrileñas mtm.​madrid Madrid, Spain
7 Margot Lévêque margotleveque.​com New York, United States
8 Mark Frömberg markfromberg.​com Berlin, Germany
9 Mark Simonson Studio marksimonson.​com Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
10 Mark van Leeuwen markvanleeuwen.​co Berlin, Germany
11 Marmite Defontes marmitedefontes.​com Lausaunne, Switzerland
12 Martha Sue Coursey marthasuecoursey.​com
13 Martin Majoor martinmajoor.​com Arnhem, Netherlands
14 Martin Pyšný
15 Masahiro Naruse
16 Mass Driver mass-driver.​com The Hague, Netherlands
17 Maxitype maxitype.​com Geneva, Switzerland
18 MB Type mbtype.​com Los Angeles, California, United States
19 MCKL mckltype.​com Los Angeles, California, United States
20 Melvastype melvastype.​fi Finland 2014
21 Metis metis-foundry.​com Melbourne, Australia 2018
22 Michael Rafailyk michaelrafailyk.​com Ukraine
23 Michelangelo Nigra
24 Minjoo Ham minjooham.​com Berlin, Germany
25 Mint Type minttype.​com Kyiv, Ukraine 2004
26 Modern Type modern-type.​com
27 Monkey Type mnkytype.​com New York, United States; Chamonix, France
28 Monokrom monokrom.​no Oslo, Norway
29 Monti Fonti montifonti.​tilda.​ws Barcelona, Spain
30 Moretype moretype.​co.​uk Liverpool, United Kingdom
31 Mota Italic motaitalic.​com Berlin, Germany; Moline, Illinois, United States
32 Motion Type motiontype.​xyz
33 muccaTypo muccatypo.​com New York, United States
34 MuirMcNeil muirmcneil.​com London, United Kingdom 2009
35 Muk Monsalve Buenos Aires, Argentina
36 MVB Fonts mvbfonts.​com Albany, California, United States


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Naïma Ben Ayed Bureau naimabenayedbureau.​com
2 Naipe Foundry store.​naipe.​xyz Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Barcelona, Spain
3 Namrata Goyal
4 NaN nan.​xyz Berlin, Germany
5 Narrow Type narrowtype.​com Czechia
6 Natalie Rauch natalie-rauch.​com Berlin, Germany
7 Ndiscover ndiscover.​com Lisbon, Portugal
8 Neubau neubauladen.​com Berlin, Germany
9 Neue neue.​shop Bad Salzuflen, Germany 2020
10 New Letters new-letters.​de Munich, Germany
11 Newglyph newglyph.​com Lausanne, Switzerland
12 Newlyn newlyn.​com London, United Kingdom
13 Nguyen Gobber nguyengobber.​com Vienna, Austria
14 Nice to type nicetotype.​jp Fukuoka, Japan 2017
15 NikolasType nikolastype.​com Cologne, Germany
16 NM Type nmtype.​com Sweden; Spain
17 Nodo Type Foundry nodotypefoundry.​com Buenos Aires, Argentina; Monterrey, Mexico 2015
18 Noheul Lee
19 Noir Blanc Rouge noirblancrouge.​com Paris, France 2019
20 Non Foundry nonfoundry.​com
21 Nondescript nondescript.​co North Carolina, United States
22 Nootype nootype.​com Neuchâtel, Switzerland
23 notyourtype foundry notyourtype.​nl Rotterdam, Netherlands
24 Nouvelle Noire nouvellenoire.​ch Zurich, Switzerland
25 Nova Type Foundry novatypefoundry.​com Porto, Portugal
26 November nvmbr.​in Mumbai, India
27 Novo Typo novotypo.​nl Amsterdam, Netherlands 2012
28 Nuform nuformtype.​com Berkley, California, United States
29 Nymark Type nymarktype.​co Stockholm, Sweden 2018


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Occupant Fonts occupantfonts.​com Providence, Rhode Island, United States
2 Octotypo octotypo.​com Fontainebleau, France
3 Off Type off-type.​com Montreal, Canada 2023
4 Office of Personal Responsibility opr.​group Lausanne, Switzerland; Linz, Austria
5 Ograda Type Co. ograda.​co Runcu, Romania
6 OH no Type Co. ohnotype.​co San Jose, California, United States 2015
7 Okay Type okaytype.​com Chicago, Illinois, United States
8 Olga Umpeleva Moscow, Russia
9 Olof olof.​ch Bern, Switzerland
10 Omega Type Foundry tosche.​net
11 Open Source Publishing osp.​kitchen
12 OPS Type ourpolitesocietytype.​net Amsterdam, Netherlands / Stockholm, Sweden
13 Optimo optimo.​ch Geneva, Switzerland
14 Or Type ortype.​is Reykjavík, Iceland 2013
15 Order Type Foundry order.​design New York, United States
16 Original Type originaltype.​com Amsterdam, Netherlands
17 Otherwhere Collective otherwherecollective.​com Miami, Florida, United States
18 Out of the Dark outofthedark.​swiss Zurich, Switzerland
19 Outras Fontes outrasfontes.​com Vitória, Brazil
20 Overlap Type overlaptype.​com Oakland, California, United States


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 P22 Type Foundry p22.​com
2 Paavola Type Studio paavolatype.​com Helsinki, Finland
3 PampaType pampatype.​com Córdoba, Argentina
4 Pangram Pangram pangrampangram.​com Montreal, Canada
5 Parachute Type Foundry parachutefonts.​com Athens, Greece
6 Parker Studio parker.​studio
7 Peregrin Studio peregrinstudio.​com London, United Kingdom
8 PFA-Typefaces pfa-typefaces.​com Berlin, Germany
9 Phantom Foundry phantom-foundry.​com France
10 Piotr Łapa piotrlapa.​com Krakow, Poland
11 Pizza Typefaces typefaces.​pizza France
12 Plain Form plain-form.​com France 2022
13 Plau plau.​design Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
14 Playtype playtype.​com Copenhagen, Denmark
15 Poem poem-editions.​com Frankfurt am Main, Germany
16 Polytype polytype.​co.​uk Glasgow, Scotland 2016
17 Positype positype.​com Jefferson, Georgia, United States
18 Power Type power-type.​com Makassar, Indonesia; New Castle, Delaware, United States
19 Pretend Foundry pretendfoundry.​com Charleston, South Carolina, United States
20 Process Type Foundry processtypefoundry.​com Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
21 Production Type productiontype.​com Paris, France; Shanghai, China
22 Proof of Words proof-of-words.​com Paris, France; Helsinki, Finland 2023
23 PSTL pstypelab.​com Orlando, Florida, United States
24 PSY/OPS psyops.​com San Francisco, California, United States
25 Public Type publictype.​us
26 Pyte Foundry thepytefoundry.​net Oslo, Norway


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Quentin Schmerber
2 Questa Project thequestaproject.​com Arnhem, Netherlands
3 Quintana-Font quintana-font.​cl Chile


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 R-Typography r-typography.​com Lisbon, Portugal
2 R9 Type+Design r9typedesign.​com Vancouver, Canada
3 RadLuka radluka.​com Wrocław, Poland 2024
4 Range Left rangeleft.​co.​uk London, United Kingdom
5 Raoul Gottschling raoulgottschling.​de Berlin, Germany
6 Razzia Type razziatype.​com Zurich, Switzerland
7 Reber R41 r41.​it Spresiano, Italy
8 Regan Fred Johnson
9 Regular Lines regularlines.​com Prague, Czechia
10 Renegadefonts renegadefonts.​com Prague, Czechia
11 Republish republi.​sh Saigon, Vietnam
12 Reset reset-type.​com Montevideo, Uruguay
13 Resistenza Type Foundry rsztype.​com Valencia, Spain 2009
14 ReType re-type.​com The Hague, Netherlands
15 Revolver Type Foundry revolvertype.​com Frankfurt am Main, Germany
16 Riptype riptype.​xyz
17 Ro Hernández
18 Road to Venice Type r-vtype.​com Germany
19 Robin Pitchon robinpitchon.​com Paris, France
20 Rosetta rosettatype.​com Brno, Czechia
21 RP Digital Type Foundry radimpesko.​com London, United Kingdom
22 Rubén Prol rubenprol.​gal A Coruña, Spain
23 Rüdiger philippneumeyer.​com
24 Ryan Bugden ryanbugden.​com


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Sabina Kipară sabinakipara.​com Amsterdam, Netherlands
2 Saja Typeworks sajatypeworks.​com Seattle, Washington, United States
3 Scannerlicker fonts.​scannerlicker.​net Espinho, Portugal
4 Schick Toikka schick-toikka.​com Berlin, Germany; Helsinki, Finland
5 Schriftlabor schriftlabor.​at Vienna, Austria
6 Self-released
7 Serpentype serpentype.​com Zurich, Switzerland
8 Setup Type setuptype.​com Bratislava, Slovakia
9 Shapes for Cash shapesforcash.​com Cornwall, United Kingdom 2024
10 Sharp Type sharptype.​co New York, United States
11 ShinnType shinntype.​com Orangeville, Canada
12 Show Me Fonts showmefonts.​com Berlin, Germany
13 Signal Type Foundry signalfoundry.​com Dublin, Ireland
14 Silly Type Foundry sillytypefoundry.​com Amsterdam, Netherlands
15 Simplebits simplebits.​shop Salem, Massachusetts, United States
16 Skritur skritur.​eu France
17 Skrr Type skrr-type.​com Aix-Les-Bains, France
18 Slow Fonts slowfonts.​xyz Marseille, France; Villeurbanne, France
19 SM Foundry s-m.​nu Apeldoorn, Netherlands
20 Smuss Type Kiosk typekiosk.​smuss.​studio Oslo, Norway
21 Sociotype socio-type.​com London, United Kingdom
22 Sophia Type
23 Source Type sourcetype.​com Zurich, Switzerland
24 Souvenir Typefaces souvenirtypefaces.​xyz
25 Space Type spacetypeco.​com New York, United States
26 Spaghetype spaghetype.​com The Hague, Netherlands
27 Spirit & Bones spiritandbonesdesign.​com Hamburg, Germany
28 Store Norske Skriftkompani skriftkompani.​no Volda, Norway
29 Storm Type Foundry stormtype.​com Prague, Czechia
30 Studio Buchanan studiobuchanan.​xyz United Kingdom 2016
31 Studio Feixen Fonts fonts.​studiofeixen.​ch
32 Studio Linda Hintz lindahintz.​com Frederiksberg, Denmark
33 Studio Muhittin Güneş gunesmuhittin.​com Istanbul, Turkey
34 Studio René Bieder renebieder.​com Berlin, Germany
35 Studio Triple studiotriple.​fr
36 Studio Type studiotype.​be Antwerp, Belgium
37 Sudtipos sudtipos.​com Buenos Aires, Argentina
38 Suitcase Type Foundry suitcasetype.​com Prague, Czechia
39 Sumotype Bogotá, Colombia
40 Sun Helen
41 Supercontinente supercontinente.​com San José, Costa Rica
42 Superior Type superiortype.​com Prague, Czechia 2013
43 supertype supertype.​de Berlin, Germany
44 SUVA Type Foundry suvatypefoundry.​ee Tallinn, Estonia
45 Swiss Typefaces swisstypefaces.​com Vevey, Switzerland
46 Synthview Type Design typography.​synthview.​com Paris, France


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 T1 Foundry t1-foundry.​com United Kingdom 2021
2 Tabular Type Foundry tosche.​net
3 Tamara Pilz tamarapilz.​com Vienna, Austria
4 Tandem Type tandemtype.​co Szczecin, Poland
5 Tarallo Design tarallodesign.​com Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
6 Teeline Fonts teelinefonts.​com Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States 2010
7 Tekio store.​tekio.​work Warsaw, Poland 2021
8 Temporary State type.​tmpstate.​net Leipzig, Germany 2017
9 Teo Tuominen teotuominen.​com Helsinki, Finland
10 The Designers Foundry thedesignersfoundry.​com New Zealand
11 The Foundry Types thefoundrytypes.​com London, United Kingdom
12 The Letters theletters.​co Sydney, Australia 2024
13 The Northern Block thenorthernblock.​co.​uk Corbridge, United Kingdom
14 Théo Guillard
15 Thomas Jockin thomasjockin.​com United States
16 Threedotstype threedotstype.​com Wrocław, Poland
17 Tightype tightype.​com Murrhardt, Germany
18 Tiny Type Co. tinytype.​co Oslo, Norway
19 Tipofili tipofili.​com New York, United States
20 Tipografies tipografies.​com Barcelona, Spain
21 TipoType tipotype.​com New York, United States
22 Tiro Typeworks tiro.​com British Columbia, Canada
23 Tofu tofutype.​ca Winnipeg, Canada
24 Tokotype tokotype.​com Bandung, Indonesia 2015
25 Tommi Sharp
26 Toshi Omagari tosche.​net London, United Kingdom
27 Tour de Force tourdefonts.​com Gornji Milanovac, Serbia
28 TPTQ Arabic tptq-arabic.​com The Hague, Netherlands 2021
29 Tulsey Type tulseytype.​com Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
30 Tunera tunera.​xyz 2020
31 Tüpokompanii typokompanii.​com Tallinn, Estonia 2022
32 Type and Roll typeandroll.​eu Poznań, Poland
33 Type By typeby.​com Antwerp, Belgium
34 Type Du Nord typedunord.​com
35 Type Forward typeforward.​com Sofia, Bulgaria
36 Type Matters typematters.​de Pullach, Germany
37 Type of Feeling typeoffeeling.​com New York, United States 2024
38 Type Salon type-salon.​com Ljubljana, Slovenia
39 Type Supply typesupply.​com Baltimore, Maryland, United States
40 Type-Ø-Tones type-o-tones.​com Barcelona, Spain 1990
41 Typearture typearture.​com Haarlem, Netherlands
42 TypeCulture typeculture.​com Portland, Maine, United States 2004
43 Typedepot typedepot.​com Sofia, Bulgaria; Berlin, Germany
44 Typedifferent typedifferent.​com Bern, Switzerland
45 Typeji typeji.​com New York, United States
46 Typejockeys typejockeys.​com Vienna, Austria
47 Typeland type.​land London, United Kingdom
48 TypeMates typemates.​com Ortenburg, Germany
49 TypeRepublic typerepublic.​com Lleida, Spain
50 Typerotation typerotation.​com Leipzig, Germany
51 Typesenses typesenses.​com Buenos Aires, Argentina 2009
52 Typespec typespec.​co.​uk Manchester, United Kingdom
53 Typetanic gregshutters.​com Chicago, Illinois, United States
54 TypeThis!Studio typethis.​studio Hamburg, Germany
55 TypeTogether type-together.​com Prague, Czechia
56 Typetr typetr.​typenetwork.​com Delft, Netherlands
57 TypeType Foundry typetype.​org Astana, Kazakhstan; Levittown, Pennsylvania, United States; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; St. Petersburg, Russia
58 Typeverything typeverything.​com Bucharest, Romania
59 Typofonderie typofonderie.​com Clamart, France
60 Typogama typogama.​com Geneva, Switzerland
61 Typografische typografische.​com Istanbul, Turkey
62 typographies.​fr Roubaix, France
63 Typolar typolar.​com Helsinki, Finland
64 Typonym typonym.​xyz Berlin, Germany 2024
65 Typotheque typotheque.​com The Hague, Netherlands
66 Typothèque Bye Bye Binary typotheque.​genderfluid.​space
67 Typozon typozon.​xyz San Francisco, California, United States


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 U.S. Graphics Company usgraphics.​com Emeryville, California, United States
2 U+27D u270d.​eesab.​fr Rennes, France
3 Ultra Kuhl ultra-kuhl.​com Berlin, Germany
4 Undercase Type undercase.​xyz Boulder, Colorado, United States
5 Underscore underscoretype.​com Espoo, Finland
6 Underware underware.​nl The Hague, Netherlands; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Helsinki, Finland
7 Universal Thirst universalthirst.​com Reykjavík, Iceland; Bangalore, India


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Vectro vectrotype.​com Portland, Oregon, United States
2 Vee Ratchanon Lausanne, Switzerland
3 Velvetyne velvetyne.​fr France
4 Very Cool Studio verycoolstudio.​com Oakland, California, United States
5 Vibrant Types vibrant-types.​com Hamburg, Germany
6 Victor Bartis victorbartis.​com Bucharest, Romania
7 Victoria Rushton victoriarushton.​com New York, United States
8 Virgile Flores virgileflores.​com
9 VJ Type vj-type.​com Paris, France
10 Vocal Type vocaltype.​co United States
11 VZWO Type viktorzumegen.​de Münster, Germany


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 W Type Foundry wtypefoundry.​com Santiago, Chile
2 Wannatype wannatype.​com Vienna, Austria
3 Warsaw Types kroje.​org Warsaw, Poland
4 Weltkern weltkern.​com Orbe, Switzerland
5 Wiener Schriften wienerschriften.​at Vienna, Austria
6 WiseType wisetype.​nl Rotterdam, Netherlands
7 Workhorse Type Foundry workhorse.​studio Utah, United States
8 Working Title workingtitletypefoundry.​be Antwerp, Belgium
9 WrittenShape writtenshape.​com Paris, France


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 X Cicéro xcicero.​esad-gv.​net Valence, France
2 XO Type Co. xotype.​co Chicago, Illinois, United States
3 XYZ Type xyztype.​com St. Louis, Missouri, United States; New York, United States


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Yanone yanone.​de Dresden, Germany
2 Yellow Design Studio yellowdesignstudio.​com Hopewell, New Jersey, United States
3 Yep! Type yeptype.​com Lisbon, Portugal


# Foundry Link Location Year founded
1 Zakznak zakznak.​com Lviv, Ukraine 2021
2 Zetafonts zetafonts.​com Florence, Italy