Alku Handwriting Model






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Alku Handwriting Model is a part of PISA renowned Finnish national education curricula since 2016. It helps digital native students to form sufficient handwriting skills during their first years at school. Alku fonts play an elemental part in producing teaching materials for handwriting.

In a purely typographical taxonomy Alku would be labelled as a rounded humanistic Italic Sanserif. In practice it is based on letterforms drawn on a paper by hand using a pencil. Its lines are digitally cleaned up and then produced into typefaces. Alku letterforms make handwriting easy to learn and provides a process how everyone can develop a life long personal writing style. Many aspects in this model are designed to keep letterforms from mixing into each others when writing catches more speed.

Alku typefaces are designed by Jarno Lukkarila in 2015–2016. The method and letterforms are conceptualised with a group of children's writing experts, teachers and young students in the Majakka pilot schools in Finland.